Book Design: Can writing the back cover help write the book?

For all of you who are struggling with either writing a book or the back cover copy… the answer is yes, I believe if you write the back cover copy first it can help with your book outline as well as the book outline helping with the back cover copy… they help eachother.

Think about it… the back cover consists of a headline that is targeting your niche. Next it contains a paragraph stating the sell points in the book followed by bullets of the most important learnings and finally a paragraph to sum it all up and then there are a few testimonials, make them up at first, which give you more information to talk about because it’s another’s opinion. Finally your bio.

If you take all this and begin your outline or table of contents, or  the backcover headline… you are off to a bright beginning.


Another way to write your back cover copy is to take the outline you already wrote and edit and consolidate the points into appropriate sell copy. Either way these are strong in getting you going.