Tip: Making your book interior design more interesting

Your interior is not just words. It’s a feeling, a concept, a “listen to me” dialog you would like the reader to first purchase it and then of course to keep reading it.

Making it visually interesting for the ‘flip-though’ is really important… and I’m not talking boxed text, which can get to be too much for the flipper to comprehend. Here are three ways I suggest to authors for making their interiors more compelling and interesting.

  1. photos: I’m not talking tons but one for each chapter to set a tone is good.
  2. Quotes or statements at the beginning of the chapter, to be used instead of or with the photo.
  3. Tips or pull quotes of important “must know” parts of the content. These are button pushers and add interest to keep the reader looking for the next.

I have more ideas for making your book interior design book interior design more interesting, and suggest them based on the type of book and goals of the author. Be sure to make your interior content as compelling as you want your cover to look.

It’s a win-win for everyone.